Read, Write and Execute permissions in Java - Get and Set File permission

In Java File class includes methods related to getting permission and setting permission of file/directory.
Get file permission - Read, write and Execute 
file.canExecute() - Tests whether the application can execute the file or not, returns true if Execute operation is allowed.
file.canRead() - Tests whether the application can read the file or not,returns true if Read operation is allowed.
file.canWrite()- Tests whether the application can modify the file or not,returns true if Write operation allowed.

Set file permission - Read, Write and Execute 

file.setReadOnly(boolean readable, boolean ownerOnly) / file.setReadOnly(boolean readable) Set read only permission to owner only or others too (By default, ownerOnly is true)
file.setWritable(boolean writable, boolean ownerOnly) /file.setWritable(boolean writable) -Set Write only permission to owner only or others too (By default, ownerOnly is true)
file.setExecutable(boolean executable, boolean ownerOnly)/file.setExecutable(boolean executable) -Set executable permission to owner only or others too (By default, ownerOnly is true)

For all above methods, if ownerOnly argument is false, then permission is granted for all others along with .
Below sample program is executed in Linux environment and permissions on the given file is verified using shell command.

public class FilePermissionManipulation {

 public static void main(String[] args) {

  File file = new File(


  System.out.println("File permission info");

  System.out.println("Read || Write || Execte");

  System.out.println(file.canRead() + " ||  " + file.canWrite()

    + "  ||  " + file.canExecute());

  /* Modify file permission using Java API */

  // execute permission not allowed for any user(second arg is false)

  file.setExecutable(false, false);

  // Write permission is allowed only to owner, second arg is missing


  // Read allowed for all, second arg is false

  file.setExecutable(true, false);

  System.out.println("File permission after modification");

  System.out.println("Read || Write || Execte");

  System.out.println(file.canRead() + " ||  " + file.canWrite()

    + "  ||  " + file.canExecute());

===============Sample output===============
zytham@ubuntu:~/Downloads$ ls -l org.jacoco.agent-
-r-x--x--x 1 zytham zytham 286862 Oct 10 06:10 org.jacoco.agent-

zytham@ubuntu:~/java$ java FilePermissionManipulation
File permission info
Read || Write || Execte
true ||  false  ||  true
File permission after modification
Read || Write || Execte
true ||  true  ||  true

zytham@ubuntu:~/Downloads$ ls -l org.jacoco.agent-
-rwx--x--x 1 zytham zytham 286862 Oct 10 06:10 org.jacoco.agent-
From above sample output, we notice that write is not allowed on jar file.After executing setWritable(true), write permission is allowed on it(as highlighted -rwx).


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